Batman's Terrifying New Era Is About To Begin | Screen Rant

In a new preview for DC Comics' upcoming issue of Batman, the Dark Knight is about to enter the next terrifying era coming to Gotham City. The Scarecrow's plans to overtake the city are coming to fruition, and it doesn't seem as though there's much Batman will be able to do to prevent them. Not only is Gotham being pushed to the brink, but flash-forwards have revealed that the Dark Knight himself will also be in the clutches of Dr. Jonahtan Crane, trapped in a prison of fear as DC's Fear State is about to arrive.

In prior issues of Batman from writer James Tynion IV and artist Jorge Jimenez, Gotham was already at its breaking point. The combined devastation of the Joker War and the attack on Arkham Asylum resulted in extreme anti-vigilante sentiments. Making matters worse, consistent sightings and messages left by the Scarecrow have seen Gotham preparing for the worst, fearing a major fear gas attack that be imminent. However, the dark beauty of Scarecrow's actions is that he's manipulating the city to be more afraid than ever before, and all before he's even used a drop of his fear toxins. Additionally, Simon Saint is working with Scarecrow as well, offering his Magistrate program to replace Batman and his Bat-Family to gain complete control of the city.

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Now, the upcoming Batman #110 will see the Dark Knight in a flash-forward, as he'll apparently find himself captured and tortured by Scarecrow in the near future. In the preview, Batman is struggling to escape Crane's nightmare as his embattered mind is struggling to make sense of his surroundings. All the while, Scarecrow is taunting Batman, confirming that Gotham City is changing (and not for the better). The Fear State has begun. Check out the preview pages and issue synopsis below:

  • BATMAN #110
  • Main: Batman's bloody, no-holds-barred fight with Magistrate enforcer Peacekeeper-01 rages on in epic fashion! Simon Saint's master plan comes to fruition as his Magistrate program makes its move on Gotham City, and things are about to heat up! (Not in a good way!)
  • Backup: The Instigator versus Ghost-Maker in a kung fu showdown! Need we say more?

While the days ahead certainly look bleak, the present doesn't appear to be much better. Gotham's new mayor Christopher Nakano is at a loss with the recent bombing of city hall, and Simon Saint has requested approval to deploy his Peacekeepers to handle the perpetrators. However, given what's known about Gotham's future from DC's Future State event, the Magistrate growing in power does not bode well for Batman and his city going forward.

In any case, the upcoming Fear State will clearly push Gotham over the edge, and it's going to take everything Batman has to weather the storm and return some hope to his city that it's long been without. Clearly, Scarecrow and Simon Saint have been planing this campaign of terror for a while now, and it's definitely coming at a time that couldn't be worse for Gotham City.

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